When you visit the Bermuda Run Farmers Market, you’re greeted by hard-working farmers beaming with pride as you come to their table that is dressed with their fresh fruits and produce. The scent of freshly picked strawberries is carried in the wind and complemented by the plump and juicy blueberries in the carton adjacent. Peppers, squash and cucumbers of all colors are perfectly scattered across the table filling your eyes with a masterpiece of greens, reds, yellows and oranges.
Farmers markets present a unique opportunity that grocery stores will never be able to imitate. Here are 10 reasons why you should visit and support the Bermuda Run Farmers Market on Peachtree Lane this summer.
1. Farm Fresh
There is no shelf life when you shop at a local farmers market. The fruits, produce, and other delicious items are taken straight from the farmer’s garden to their table on Peachtree Lane. No added preservatives to make them last longer, and no questioning how long the produce has been sitting out. This guarantees your produce will stay organically fresh longer than it would in a grocery store.
2. Variety
You name it and it’s there. The variety of fruits and vegetables that you can find at the Bermuda Run Farmers Market will have your plate overflowing with color at the dinner table. On any given week you can find a seafood vendor, vegetable vendors, handmade craft vendors, bakers, a potted flower vendor that has beautiful flowers in the spring and gorgeous mums in the fall, and vendors with pork sausage, brats and more. You can mix it up, try something new, make it colorful, and add some zest to your life when you visit the Bermuda Run Farmers Market.

3. Support family farms
A huge reason to support your local farmers market is to support your local family farmers. With farming becoming highly industrialized and many family farms closing due to the high price of keeping up with those industrialized farms, it may be more important than ever to support a local family farm.
4. Seasonal
Buying produce that’s in season and not loaded with GMOs and preservatives is one of the many benefits of shopping at a local farmers market. If you’re on the trend of only eating fruits and vegetables that are in season, the Bermuda Run Farmers Market at Peachtree Lane is where you need to be. Many people are switching to this way of eating saying that it’s better for your body to eat only what’s naturally produced at that time of year. Maybe this is a bandwagon you need to hop on!

5. Affordable
Your grocery bill will thank you when you shop at the Bermuda Run Farmers Market. Farmers markets keep the prices low for the best produce. Not only that, vendors at the Bermuda Run Farmers Market provide items directly from farm to table, guaranteeing a longer value.
6. Know where food comes from
The more you know the better off you’ll be! When you’re at the farmers market, you can have a conversation with the farmer who grew the produce about the process, the nutrients and maybe even score a few tips and recipes on how to use it in the kitchen.

7. Helps local economy
People talk about #shoppinglocal and #smallbusinesssaturday a few times a year, but this applies to farmers markets too, not just retail stores! When you shop at the Bermuda Run Farmers Market, you are supporting people in your community and putting your money right back into your local economy.
8. Go Green
No packaging, no preservatives, no pesticides! Keeping the air clean of chemicals and environmental waste is a plus when you shop at a farmers market. The local farmers conserve fossil fuels and produce less waste than the industrial farmers that ship their crops. Supporting the environment is an added benefit of supporting a local family farm.
9. Taste
When your produce and fruits are bright in color, in season, and freshly picked, the tastes are more vibrant, stronger and richer than if you picked them off a stand in the grocery store. The fruits and vegetables are allowed to fully ripen and are brought from farm to table at their peak—this means their tastes will be at their peak too.
10. Community Connection
As you’re strolling through the Bermuda Run Farmers Market on Peachtree Lane, you may bump into a neighbor you’ve been meaning to catch up with or an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. This is a place where community gathers and it’s a great place for you to stay connected with all that’s going on in your community. Stay connected to the people, to what’s local, and to what matters.
Visit the Bermuda Run Farmers Market, open from 3:30-6:30 p.m. every Friday at 111 Peachtree Lane in Bermuda Run, NC. You can also follow them on Facebook to learn about who will be at the weekly markets, what items will be available and more.