Bermuda Run is beautiful any time of year, but it really shines in the spring.
The willow outside of WinMock at Kinderton is in its fullest glory, the return of the Bermuda Run Farmer’s Market is getting closer and closer, the seasonal treats and drinks at Maddie Cakes are irresistible and sitting on the patio enjoying a live performance at Tanglewood Pizza Company becomes a weekly tradition.
But there’s more to spring than fun events and sightseeing in the community. There’s also the opportunity to start fresh, clean out your home, and enter this season as a new beginning.
So as we eagerly anticipate spring’s arrival, take a look at 5 things you can do to prepare for spring in Bermuda Run.
1. Visit the Bermuda Run Garden Club Sale
This spring, you can add some color to your yard and help support the community by visiting the Bermuda Run Garden Club Sale and purchasing a beautiful geranium. You can place your order anytime before March 22nd by contacting Linda Ernst (336-940-6705,, Beth Wright (336-414-7830, or any member of the Garden Club.
The geraniums come in red, hot pink, white, salmon and a deep fuchsia. They are sold in 10″ pots for $20.00 or 6 1/2″ pots for $12.00. Funds raised from this sale will help support many community projects.
Pick-up will be on Wednesday, April 19th from noon to 3 pm in the parking lot near the Bermuda Run Country Club.
2. Clean Out Your Home Office and Files
Now is the perfect time to go through your home office or your filing cabinet and gather up your confidential papers that need to be shredded. The Bermuda Run Garden Club is hosting a shredding event on Saturday, April 15th from 9am to noon in the Town Hall parking Lot.
Not only will you feel like you have a brand new office space but you’ll also have less clutter and a greater peace of mind knowing those confidential documents have been properly shredded.
3. Spend More Time Outside
It’s time to spring forward! The time change is happening on March 12th which means our days are getting longer! Use the extra hours of daylight to go for a walk around Atrium Wake Forest Health Davie Medical Center, or attend a sporting event at Truist Sports Park in Bermuda Run.
P.S. more exciting outdoor activities are coming to Bermuda Run! Check out the latest updates on the Blue Heron Trail project here.
4. Donate What You No Longer Need
For many people, going through their closets is a key ingredient to successful spring cleaning. This year, as you’re going through gently used clothes, set these aside and donate them to a local non-profit. In fact, you can find more ways to donate and clean-out this spring.
The Town of Bermuda Run is accepting donations of canned foods and other non-perishable items for A Storehouse for Jesus from March 6th-10th. Giving back is a beautiful way to start out the spring season!
5. Keep Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning is likely on everyone’s to-do list over the next few months. As you’re cleaning out clothes that don’t fit, toys that don’t get played with and home decor you no longer need, don’t forget to spring-clean your bulky items, too. This year, there will be a Bulk Item Disposal near the Bermuda Run Country Club and along the Lake in Kinderton Village. The Habitat Restore/Davie will be at both locations accepting donations on May 6th from 8am to noon. This is the perfect opportunity to donate your bulky items to a great cause!
6. Look Ahead & Save The Dates
Bermuda Run has so much to offer. The Town of Bermuda Run and our local businesses are constantly finding ways to engage the community, invite others in and make this a wonderful place to shop, dine and stay. Go ahead and follow Do A 180 Bermuda Run and The Town of Bermuda Run on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with all that’s happening in the community.
While you’re at it, go ahead and save the dates for the Town of Bermuda Run’s Summer Concerts. These are a highlight of every summer season and we are counting down the days until we’re gathered on the lawn again.