Save the Date for Christmas in Bermuda Run!
Like the old song says, “We need a little Christmas” and in this semi post-pandemic year, we all need a little Christmas more than ever. The Town of Bermuda Run and volunteers from the community will host Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run on Sunday, December 5, 2021, from 2-5 p.m. (rain or shine) at the Town Hall Gazebo in the Kinderton Business Park located on Kinderton Boulevard in Bermuda Run.
How Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run Got Started
This first annual Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run event was born out of the 2020 idea to light a tree atop Davie Medical Center. “It was a sad year, and we needed something to look at that would bring us joy,” Rosanne Peacock commented in a recent ‘tree meeting’. The tree lighting raised considerable funds donated to Family Promise and the Davie Medical staff emergency fund. The idea, conceived by three Bermuda Run residents, Rosanne Peacock, Sharon Reid, and Christy Schafer (now dubbed the “Tree-O” by Bermuda Run’s Mayor, Rick Cross), felt this year a community event was possible.
Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run has become a truly collaborative community event. “Our residents, charitable organizations and business organizations have embraced the idea and helped bring the concept to reality,” said Schafer. “Everyone we speak to is genuinely excited about the event. I feel we need a little Christmas–it’s been a couple of tough years.”
What to Expect at Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run
The beauty of the event is that it will be held outside. There will be music, decorations, treats–and the best part–children can have a visit with Santa safely!There may even be a visit from our own Buddy the Elf. Schaefer has written a “seuss-type” story to commemorate the day and a special guest will read the story during the event.
The fun-filled family event will begin with the arrival of our Town’s own Santa Claus escorted with much fanfare by the Smith Grove Fire Department. Following Santa’s appearance, the kids will have games managed by the Bermuda Run Tennis volunteers. An ornament craft-making center for the kids, hosted by the Bermuda Run Garden Club, will produce edible bird-friendly ornaments. The edible decorations will hang on the Town tree. Hillsdale Real Estate Group generously provides carriage rides with horses decked out in melodic sleigh bells and carriage masters from the Dickens era.
There will be festive treats provided by Ace Hardware, Bermuda Run Country Club, The Mocksville Woman’s Club, Maddie Cakes, and Bermuda Run Living.
Do you like tacky, colorful Christmas sweaters? Do you wear them proudly during the holiday season? Bermuda Run Cares will judge a Tacky Sweater Contest for the adults. So, dress up and be seen in your tackiest of tacky!
For children who enjoy kitchen activities, a Gingerbread House decorating contest, judged by local chefs, will be held during the festivities. Participants can obtain guidelines for judging on the Town’s Facebook page after November 12. Barry Rentz, The Musical Jukebox provides holiday music for the day.
The event will culminate with the Town’s lighting of its Christmas tree and a good old-fashioned Christmas carol sing-along. The Bermuda Run Garden Club has lovingly donated the living Christmas Tree. We will watch it grow!
Who’s Helping Make the Event Happen
So how do you bring an event like this to reality? With many hands! The “Tree-O” has enlisted the help of the Davie Chamber of Commerce, Smith Grove Fire Department, Ace Hardware, The Bermuda Run Garden Club, the Mocksville Woman’s Club, Davie Life Magazine, Bermuda Run Living, Bermuda Run Country Club, Hillsdale Real Estate Group, Maddie Cakes, and many individual supporters. The list of businesses and supporters continues to grow. “Sharon, Rosanne, and I conceived the event to be a gift to the children of our community, so it takes charity from our businesses and individual donors,” Schafer commented.
Seeing a bigger picture, the “Tree-O'” has a dream for all the business owners in the Bermuda Run community to illuminate their place of business with white lights along the frontage. “We have a plan for that,” Peacock says enthusiastically. They cite the Town of Mocksville as a Hallmark look at Christmas and envision the same in Bermuda Run.
So, save the date for December 5, 2021 and get ready to celebrate Christmas in the Town of Bermuda Run. For more information regarding this event, to donate or volunteer, email